
You'll Rust Again

The last few weeks have been a random array of work, school, and everything in between. I have had so many ups and downs and rounds and rounds I feel like I feel off the side of the earth! Let’s start where we left off and move our way forward. That’s really the only good way to do it.

A few Thursday’s ago was a great night at work. It was slow and simple and Duncan was in a good mood. So good in fact that he made me crepes! YUM! He made these fantastic lemon honey crepes with vanilla ice cream on the side. I was seriously astonished by how amazing they were. He didn’t think I would be able to finish all of mine, but as most of you know, I am not one to be outdone by food. It was a lovely night all together. I just came home, popped in a movie, and chilled out.

The weekend was extremely slow. Nothing happened. I didn’t do anything. Life was boring.

So besides having a REALLY slow weekend, my body decided to let a cold in to run amuck all throughout my body. I thought Monday was bad and I didn’t go to school. I felt awful. Then Tuesday I woke up and felt 10 times as bad. I went to my tutorial for my one class and then nearly collapsed as I tried to make it home. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, drinking water, sleeping, eating, drinking water, and sleeping some more. It was no dice.

Wednesday was an interesting day. Karlie and Mindy and I went to the library to work on our Rock Art final project together. It was hilarious. We are making a Rock Art Activity / Coloring book for kids. We decided to do things like crosswords, word searches, mazes, and puzzles. We even tested out our connect-the-dot on some random kid in the library. It was really funny. I still felt sick, but I needed to go to class. Afterwards I came home and slept until I had to go to work. Work was slow, as usual, but fine.

The next day after work we went to the Tav. Student night at the tavern is always a fun one. There are so many people there that I know now. It is fun to see my friends that live on campus or I met in class. The absolute highlight of my night goes as follows: Libby and I are standing together. Some guy comes up and starts spitting game at both of us. We make multiple attempts to walk away but he was REALLY insistent that he got one of our numbers. So, me being the buzzed genius I am, looked in my phone and gave him Austin’s number instead of either of ours! HA! The best part about this little shenanigan is that the guy called Austin 3 times and sent him a bunch of texts before noon the next day. CREEPER! I am SO glad I gave him Austin’s number instead of mine!

So Friday was an ok day for me. I didn’t do much. Thank God I didn’t have to work because I was slightly hung over from Thursday night. I spent the day doing nothing and then watched Garden state with Austin. I was SO surprised at how amazing it was. Zach Braff really blew me away. I loved the whole dynamic. The filming and the story and the theme were beautifully interwoven to create such a moving and emotional story. Coming into yourself never looked so good. Austin and I talked about the movie and about a ton of stuff until we were both exhausted and had to sleep. It was nice to have a meaningful conversation with someone I didn’t know that well. It makes me feel good to know people in a new way.

Saturday was a slow day as well. I waited out the day at the pool and such until work. I only worked for 2 hours, but it was so slow that Duncan sent me home. It was a good thing though because Brittney and all the girls were going to an Egyptian themed party at the Surfers Paradise Footy Club. I was home just in time to get dressed up and head out with them. It was such a fun night! We got tons of free drinks and I met a lot of new people. Michael was SO drunk, he was an absolute riot. Dancing is a big thing here, so everyone was bustin’ a move on the floor. I had a good time observing people and talking to the girls, but I was really happy to get home and go to sleep.

Sunday was homework day, but it didn’t work out exactly as planned. It was pouring rain all day so we thought it would be a good idea to go play football. A group f us headed out to the park next to our house and started playing a game. It was the funniest thing I have seen in real life. It was like the three stooges multiplied and were playing football against each other. Everyone was slipping and falling over and running into one another. Everyone was soaked from head to toe and muddy to boot. Louis, the French guy, was really excited because he had never played American football before. He kept diving into the end zone and doing touchdown dance. It was honestly gut wrenching. We were all out of breath, no because we were running hard, but because we were all cracking up the whole time. And on top of all of that fun, I scored a touchdown. Yay!

Monday was pretty lame. I went to school, came home, and slept. Somehow the cold I got a week and a half ago isn’t gone yet. Maybe it’s swine flu or something. I think it’s a sinus infection. Anyway, Tom and I watched “I’m Not There”, the Bob Dylan movie. I’ll tell you what, if you have time and a good, solid, awake state of mind, watch this movie. It’s a little hard to follow but once you get into the groove of it, it is fantastic to watch. Cate Blanchet is amazing. I was completely flabbergasted by how much she looked and sounded like Bob Dylan. It was quite the interesting touch having her play him.

Tuesday was long for a couple of reasons. A) I was still sick as a dog. I was feeling groggy and I had a lot to do. B) I got a bad grade (not bad, just lower than expected) on my big Psyc paper. I was SO mad! I worked really hard at something I had never done before and thought it was pretty darn good and then ended up with a mediocre grade. Damn you Australia third year classes and your ridiculous grading criteria…

Wednesday was not a pick me up kind of day either. Mindy, Karlie, and I went to the library to work on our project again. It went well. It seems like we might be doing a really cool thing. It feels lame considering we are making a kids activity book for our final, but there is a lot of information and it is turning into something really creative. I am just glad we didn’t have to write a 4000 word paper on rock art. That would have been impossible and ridiculous and just plain stressful. As we were wrapping up our work for the day I started to get a monumental headache. I knew it was the beginning of a migraine so I decided to head home and sleep it off. I am not kidding; I was so out of it I got on the wrong bus and ended up at the train station. Oh my gosh, I was pissed. I had to get on 2 more busses just to get home and instead of taking me 10 minutes, it took me an hour. My head was killing and I was angry and frustrated, so I just plopped down in bed. I thought about the fact that Jordan was coming in exactly a week. Things had better get better here sometime soon.

I just kept telling myself: Don’t cry, you'll rust again...